Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cultural Diversity Fail

One of the classes I'm taking this semester is titled "Social Pluralism." Sounds exciting, yes? It's through the Social Work department, and I'm taking it for my cultural diversity requirement. Apparently Eastern Europe isn't culturally diverse enough, doesn't matter how many people have no clue that Czechoslovakia (no, that's not what it's called now) was rather kinda sorta important to the start of something like WWII.

So here I am taking a class about how we should all be friends (which is what true diversity is about, I'm sure), and we were given almost no time to do an observation of someone that's of a different culture/whatnot. Which basically means I'm supposed to interview/observe a not-me, someone who is not female, early 20's, White, Republican, and Christian. Does that read like a personals add to anyone else? Take a guess who I interviewed. My dad. Yep, I searched high and low for someone to interview (prof said we could interview our dads, though, so it works :P ). He's not in his early 20's, and he's not female, so it works.

And now, some general nonsenseness for amusement (according to my Jr./Sr. Bible teacher, "amuse" means "a- muse," as in against the muses, or against anything that will encourage art, music, poetry, drama, etc.) :

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more puppies

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